CBD-Infused Guacamole

Makes 6 Servings

  1. 3 ripe avocados
  2. 1-1 ½ tbsp fresh key
  3. lime juice (more if needed for taste)
  4. 1 large plum tomato
  5. seeded and diced
  6. ½ onion (diced)
  7. ½ teaspoon of sea salt (more if needed for taste)
  8. 1-2 teaspoons minced habanero (leave membrane and seeds if you enjoy extra heat)
  9. CBD oil of desired strength (Add to taste)

1. Cut avocados in half, remove the pit, and spoon the flesh into a bowl.
2. Add key lime juice and sea salt to avocado, then mash with a fork until creamy and chunky.
3. Add in CBD, incorporating evenly.
4. Add tomato, chopped habanero, and onions to the mashed avocado.
5. Adjust to your taste, adding more sea salt, habanero, or key lime juice if desired.
6. Serve immediately and enjoy! Guacamole could also be plastic wrapped and preserved for up to one day.

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